
Exchange Rates

June 14, 2022

American Dollar 3.446 0.17%
Euro 3.594 -0.13%
Jordanian Dinar 4.860 0.17%
British Pound 4.172 -0.51%
Swiss Franc 3.466 0.12%
100 Japanese Yen 2.567 0.40%

Data courtesy of Bank of Israes

Message from The Board of Management of The Freedom Theater

editorial board, 5/4/2011

The Jenin City , Jenin Camp, Palestinian Culture and Freedom Children have lost a martyr of great humanity Juliano Mer-Khamis who was killed by black betrayal buletts by an unknown murderer.

Juliano represented a model of someone who caused for freedom, culture and human values. He was one of the cultural resistance symbols in our society.

We are very sorry that the end of his life had place in the exact place where he started it, but it was what life wanted: and now we must keep Juliano and his works, creations and beloved ones, keeping him alive always in our hearts. The Freedom Theatre will always stay the symbol for Freedom that Juliano has provided his soul on his slaughter.

“They were the betrayal bullets when they were shot, almost apologizing if they saw your eyes” . Juliano, you deserve our loyalty to you and your mother, your children, wife and we will keep alive your immortal artistic message.

All the people that loved you and your students will always remember your art and your values forever, and let your name continue to be part of the Palestinian Culture.