- Sunrise 052-253-2512
- Umm al-Fahm
- taiba restorant-Umalfahem 04-611-3132
- Hed street -Um Alfahem, Umm al-Fahm
- The Center's Bakery 04-635-4443
- Kafr Qara
- The Manakel and Taboon 052-364-5121
- Umm al-Fahm
- The Manakel and Taboon 09-749-4515
- Kochav Yaeer
- The Manakel and Taboon 04-627-2905
- Giva`t Habiba
- The Pizza's Center 04-635-1927
- Kafr Qara
- The Shawarma King 04-635-7711
- Kafr Qara