
Exchange Rates

June 14, 2022

American Dollar 3.446 0.17%
Euro 3.594 -0.13%
Jordanian Dinar 4.860 0.17%
British Pound 4.172 -0.51%
Swiss Franc 3.466 0.12%
100 Japanese Yen 2.567 0.40%

Data courtesy of Bank of Israes

Just a few more days, and it will be 2013 already

editorial board, 20/12/2012

Just a few more days, and it will be 2013 already, and as the old year draws to a close, we are proud to announce the summary of the. widespread activities we undertook in 2012

We will publishe five catalogues and open five exhibitions, and we will be inaugurating a website storing and spotlighting the photographic and historic archives of Umm el-Fahem and Wadi Ara.

As you can see in the attached invitation, our upcoming event will summarize our current activities and mark the new year as a year of creativity, action and the continuation of multi-cultural dialogue, for all of which the gallery is a center stage.

Please view this invitation as your personal invitation. We look forward seeing you with us at this event.

Said Abu shakra סעיד אבו שקרה سعيد ابو شقرة