Business Owner?

If you're a business owner, and you business is not listed in our directory, contact us so we can add it.


Exchange Rates

June 14, 2022

American Dollar 3.446 0.17%
Euro 3.594 -0.13%
Jordanian Dinar 4.860 0.17%
British Pound 4.172 -0.51%
Swiss Franc 3.466 0.12%
100 Japanese Yen 2.567 0.40%

Data courtesy of Bank of Israes

Business Directory

You can use the new Wadi Ara business directory to easily and quickly locate any business you need in the Wadi Ara area. Every business is entitled a free listing in the directory. If you're a business owner and your business is not in the directory, please contact us and we will add your business.

In addition to free listings, it is possible to advertise your business and to publish any general advertisements on the site. Please contact us for more information.